What is Evolutionary Fitness?

Adapt or Die

In Biology, Evolutionary Fitness refers to an organism's ability to survive and reproduce, effectively contributing its genes to the next generation. It is a more effective survival strategy than simply being physically strong.

The same principle can be applied in Business.


How Does Evolutionary Fitness Relate to Business?

Traditional strategic thinking fails when geopolitical and socioeconomic conditions start changing rapidly and simultaneously. Yesterday's competitive advantages become tomorrow's liabilities. Organizations need evolutionary fitness—the capacity to adapt strategies, capabilities, and offerings while maintaining coherence and evolutionary edge.

My approach translates biological principles of adaptation, selection, and evolution into practical business strategy. Like an elite fitness coach develops both immediate performance and long-term potential, I help leaders balance current results with future adaptability.

Need more? Read a short essay on Linkedin for a 400+ year perspective on our current moment. You'll learn why evolutionary fitness is not hippie idealism. It's do or die adaptation.