The Science

Evolutionary Principles Applied to Business

At the intersection of biology, physics, and complex adaptive systems theory lies a powerful framework for business transformation. Evolutionary Fitness isn't merely a metaphor—it's the application of fundamental scientific principles to organizational strategy and leadership.

Scientific Foundations

Evolutionary Fitness integrates rigorous scientific principles with practical business application. This unique approach emerged from Michael's immersion in evolutionary science under the guidance of world-class mentors and through extensive study of pioneering scientific frameworks. The result is a methodology grounded in natural law yet specifically calibrated for organizational transformation.

Mentored by Pioneers

Michael's approach was shaped through a six-year mentorship with two visionary thinkers:

  • Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris (1936-2024)- Greek-American evolution biologist and futurist whose work on mature ecosystem principles established critical frameworks for understanding organizational maturity and adaptation cycles. Michael and Elisabet became so close that he was one of only 36 people in the world to be invited to Dr. Sahtouris' memorial ceremony in Hawaii in 2025.

  • Gail Taylor (1939-2023) - American innovator of group genius and co-founder of the MG Taylor Corporation, whose methods for accelerating collective intelligence form the foundation of Michael's facilitation approach.

These mentorships provided direct transmission of evolutionary principles beyond theoretical understanding—offering practical wisdom for applying natural design principles to human systems.


Kind Words from Mentors

Elisabet Sahtouris

"tremendous respect for Michael's knowledge"

"I gained tremendous respect for Michael's knowledge and abilities in systems design and emerging technologies—exactly the tools we need for navigating this transitional time for human civilization." - Dr. Elisabet Sahtouris (1936-2024), Chair in Living Economies at World Business Academy

Gail Tayor

"Michael's research is exemplary"

"Michael is skilled at going deep into a subject and seeing all sides of an idea or project. His research is exemplary. While he thrives on facts, he is also capable of providing a rich context around almost any subject so that it can be explored and fully understood." - Gail Taylor (1939-2023), co-founder, MG Taylor Corporation

Gail, Elisabet & Michael in San Francisco, November 2018

Key Scientific Frameworks

Evolutionary Fitness integrates several revolutionary scientific paradigms that collectively explain how complex adaptive systems evolve, transform, and thrive amid ecosystem stresses (presented in no particular sequence):

Constructal Law (Adrian Bejan)

The Constructal Law states: "For a finite-size flow system to persist in time (to live), its configuration must evolve in such a way that provides greater and greater access to the currents that flow through it."

Business Application:

Organizations are flow systems where resources, information, capital, and human effort must flow efficiently. Successful businesses naturally evolve toward configurations that enhance these flows, developing structures and capabilities that optimize their evolutionary fitness. Unlike traditional governance approaches that maintain the status quo, Evolutionary Fitness drives fundamental reconfiguration of organizational systems to enhance flow access.

Animate Intelligence (Jeremy Lent)

Lent's work demonstrates how cognition extends beyond individual minds to emerge as collective intelligence in living systems, showing how meaning-making shapes evolutionary trajectories.

Business Application:

Strategic coherence requires alignment of organizational meaning-making across multiple levels—from leadership vision to operational execution. Companies develop evolutionary advantage when they cultivate collective intelligence rather than relying on hierarchical decision-making.

Cosmic Intelligence (Ervin Laszlo)

Laszlo's systems theory explores how information fields connect and influence complex systems across scales, demonstrating how coherence emerges in turbulent environments.

Business Application:

Organizations exist within larger information ecosystems. By sensing and responding to weak signals in these fields, businesses can anticipate disruption and adapt before competitors recognize emerging patterns.

The Implicate Order (David Bohm)

Bohm proposed that visible reality (the explicate order) emerges from a deeper, implicate order where everything is interconnected in ways not immediately apparent.

Business Application:

Strategic transformation requires addressing both visible organizational structures (explicate) and underlying cultural patterns and assumptions (implicate). Companies that align these dimensions develop greater evolutionary coherence.

Self-Organization (Ilya Prigogine)

Nobel laureate Prigogine demonstrated how order spontaneously emerges from chaos in systems that are far from equilibrium through self-organization.

Business Application:

Rather than controlling through hierarchical management, evolutionarily fit organizations create conditions for beneficial self-organization, allowing adaptive responses to emerge from throughout the system rather than being dictated from above.

Élan Vital (Henri Bergson)

Bergson proposed that evolution is driven by an inherent creative impulse—the élan vital—that generates continuous novelty and complexity.

Business Application:

Beyond mere adaptation, evolutionary fitness requires cultivating organizational creativity as a fundamental capability, not a specialized function. This creative impulse drives strategic innovation beyond incremental improvement.

Noosphere (Pierre Teilhard de Chardin)

Teilhard de Chardin envisioned the emergence of a "thinking layer" (noosphere) of collective intelligence enveloping Earth, complementing the geosphere and biosphere.

Business Application:

Organizations increasingly operate within a global cognitive environment where ideas, innovations, and information flows transcend traditional boundaries. Evolutionarily fit businesses strategically position themselves within this noosphere, creating value through knowledge flows rather than physical resources alone.

Creative Advance into Novelty (Alfred North Whitehead)

Whitehead's process philosophy emphasizes that reality consists not of static objects but of interconnected events continually creating novelty.

Business Application:

Evolutionary fitness requires shifting from stability-focused strategic planning to process-oriented strategic becoming. Organizations thrive by managing continuous transformation rather than pursuing fixed end-states.

Additional Acknowledgments

The Evolutionary Fitness blueprint draws inspiration from a diverse array of thinkers whose work bridges science, philosophy, and organizational evolution. These contributions deepen the methodology’s ability to address systemic complexity and human coordination in turbulent times. Michael is particularly grateful to the following individuals:

Roger Briggs and Emerging World

Roger Briggs’ synthesis of consciousness studies, integrating the works of Jean Gebser, Merlin Donald, and Arthur Young, profoundly influenced the blueprint’s emphasis on organizational consciousness and evolutionary stages. Gebser’s exploration of consciousness structures (e.g., mental, integral, and aperspectival) aligns with the idea that businesses must evolve their collective awareness to navigate shifting landscapes. Donald’s insights into cognitive evolution (e.g., mimetic culture, language) inform how organizations develop adaptive intelligence by integrating knowledge across hierarchical and networked systems. Young’s process philosophy, which views reality as a series of nested creative systems, reinforces the blueprint’s focus on strategic metamorphosis—the iterative renewal of capabilities to align with emerging conditions. Together, these ideas highlight the necessity of aligning organizational design with the consciousness of the system, fostering resilience through holistic awareness.

David Ronfeldt’s TIMN Model

David Ronfeldt’s Tribes, Institutions, Markets, Networks framework provides critical insights into the evolution of human coordination systems. This model traces societal development from tribal kinship to networked collaboration, emphasizing how organizational structures must adapt to new forms of collective intelligence. For Evolutionary Fitness, the TIMN framework underscores the importance of transitioning from rigid institutional hierarchies to dynamic networked systems that prioritize decentralized experimentation and rapid learning. Businesses that embrace this shift enhance their adaptive capacity, as they no longer rely solely on top-down control but leverage distributed intelligence to respond to disruption. Ronfeldt’s work reinforces the blueprint’s focus on strategic agility and the need to balance centralized coordination with emergent innovation.

Professor Louis Herman and Policosmology

Louis Herman’s book, Future Primal and his work on Policosmology (the study of political and cosmic systems) expands the blueprint’s scope to values-based governance and long-term societal alignment. Herman’s emphasis on integrating ethical frameworks with organizational strategy challenges businesses to move beyond superficial ESG compliance. Instead, Evolutionary Fitness encourages leaders to embed regenerative values—such as equity, sustainability, and collective well-being—into their operational DNA. This approach aligns with the Constructal Law’s principle of optimizing flow access by viewing societal challenges as opportunities for strategic reinvention rather than obstacles. Herman’s Policosmology further inspires the blueprint’s vision of organizations as active participants in shaping a higher-order ecosystem, where success is measured by their contribution to the health of interconnected systems.

These thinkers collectively enrich the Evolutionary Fitness methodology by grounding it in interdisciplinary wisdom, ensuring that businesses evolve not just to survive but to transform their environments in ways that harmonize with deeper systemic patterns.

Beyond Theory: Applied Evolutionary Science

While rooted in these profound scientific frameworks (and many others since discovered), Evolutionary Fitness is fundamentally practical—designed specifically for business application during turbulent times. Michael Haupt's blueprint translates these principles into actionable methodologies for:

  • Developing strategic coherence amid volatility

  • Building regenerative capabilities beyond sustainability

  • Cultivating leadership practices that enhance adaptive capacity

  • Creating organizational structures that optimize flow

This science-based approach provides leaders with both theoretical understanding and practical tools to navigate unprecedented business complexity. By aligning with universal principles that govern all evolutionary systems, organizations develop the fitness to not merely survive disruption but to evolve through it—transforming challenges into opportunities for strategic metamorphosis.

Begin Your Evolutionary Journey

Discover how these scientific principles can transform your organization's approach to strategy, innovation, and leadership. Download Michael Haupt's Blueprint to explore how Evolutionary Fitness can help your business thrive amid turbulence.